Govind Radhe
Prem pipasa teeno lakysha dilade
To achieve our God-Realization Goal, three things are essential
1. Human Body (due to kripa of God , one gets this)
2. Knowledge of Goal and way to achieve ( due to kripa of Guru one understand this)
Think what you did that you got human body
Think what you did that you understood the goal. how many scripture you read yourself?
3. Prem Pipasa ( longing for God is the responsibility of individual)
This pipasa depends on the knowledge that this world is not ours.
"This wife,parents,friends,society,money are not for soul.They are for the body."
This knowledge should remain stable 100% all the time.
Think of death when you will go alone. Think in solitude when you will go alone
no one will be with you. only your karma will go and you will get result of your karma
how will we feel that time.
you will have to practise constantly and 1 day it will become stable knowledge.
Then prem pipasa will arise.Right vairga will arise.
The stronger prem pyas ( thirst) the closer we are towards our goal.
This is your responsibility only
God did his work by grace giving you human body and giving you guru
Guru did his work by giving you knowledge of goal which you wont have understood even in millions of years .. in few mins he explained you
Now its your turn
Bhakti karna/ sadhana karna/ man ko lagana.
Neither God nor Guru can do this for you
If God could have done this, then there would not have been this universe.
See God has 1 power called satya sankalp. ie he just have to think and its done.
he doesn't have to do.. it just will happen by his thinking alone.
he will have to just think.
shristi ho ja.. hogayi
praleya ho ja.. hogaya
raksha ho ja..
sarira ho ja..
nirakar ho ja..
this quality is also with saints. 100%
but neither God nor saint have been able to do what?
that all souls get promoted to golok by sankalp
if some saint does this sankalp, then our work is done freely
why to spend time , efforts along with sadhaks, why to write books etc
just think and its done..
So God and Saint cannot do this. We will have to do this.
we have been sitting thinking Guru or God will do this for us for 100, thousands of years
We will have to leave this foolishness and we will have to do it our self
Jiva will have to do it. Jiva will have to walk upwards. not downwards.
So this prem pipasa , we will have to increase
so we have 1 mind and there are 2 things
God and World
Nectar and Poision
we can take only 1 .
and we cannot stay without adapting 1 of them.
since we have eternal natural thirst to satisfy ourselves
so going in right direction, get the right thing
Remember 1 thing about this human body always
Next moment we may get to live or not.
Don't think what is my age as of now.
can you see from eyes , people are dying at all ages any time.
Think for yourself as well
this is the biggest surprise that we don't think about our own death
hence don't procrastinate the devotion. Do it now.
prahlad says do bhakti in childhood itself. who knows whether we will get youth?
Think again and again these 3 points
Think again and again about world and get vairaga
Only with constant continuous efforts will it happen.
if you don't do , you will roam around in 84 lac species
jiva is independent in doing karma BUT he is not independent in its results.
he will have to bear all consequence.
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