The verse below reveals the truth that , at the time of God realization, the remaining fate ( prarabdh) of a selfless devotee is also burnt up by the Grace of Krishn.
icchä-vaçät päpam upäsakänäà
kñéyeta bhogonmukham apy amusmät |
prärabdha-mätraà bhavatétareñäà
karmävaçiñöaà tad-avaçya-bhogyam ||169||
( Read Brihad Bhagwatamrit 3/169)
So i hope now the matter is resolved conclusively.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
How to Develop Love
1. See truth everywhere that with each person who comes in front of you , there is parmatama along with him. Mentally pay your obeiences to that parmatama in each person. Start this today right from home to office to the world at large.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Nartanu Guru-Sangh by Kripalu Maharaji : Read Everyday Series
Nartan Guru-Sangh
Govind Radhe
Prem pipasa teeno lakysha dilade
To achieve our God-Realization Goal, three things are essential
1. Human Body (due to kripa of God , one gets this)
2. Knowledge of Goal and way to achieve ( due to kripa of Guru one understand this)
Think what you did that you got human body
Think what you did that you understood the goal. how many scripture you read yourself?
3. Prem Pipasa ( longing for God is the responsibility of individual)
This pipasa depends on the knowledge that this world is not ours.
"This wife,parents,friends,society,money are not for soul.They are for the body."
This knowledge should remain stable 100% all the time.
Think of death when you will go alone. Think in solitude when you will go alone
no one will be with you. only your karma will go and you will get result of your karma
how will we feel that time.

you will have to practise constantly and 1 day it will become stable knowledge.
Then prem pipasa will arise.Right vairga will arise.
The stronger prem pyas ( thirst) the closer we are towards our goal.
This is your responsibility only
God did his work by grace giving you human body and giving you guru
Guru did his work by giving you knowledge of goal which you wont have understood even in millions of years .. in few mins he explained you
Now its your turn
Bhakti karna/ sadhana karna/ man ko lagana.
Neither God nor Guru can do this for you
If God could have done this, then there would not have been this universe.
See God has 1 power called satya sankalp. ie he just have to think and its done.
he doesn't have to do.. it just will happen by his thinking alone.
he will have to just think.
shristi ho ja.. hogayi
praleya ho ja.. hogaya
raksha ho ja..
sarira ho ja..
nirakar ho ja..
this quality is also with saints. 100%
but neither God nor saint have been able to do what?
that all souls get promoted to golok by sankalp
if some saint does this sankalp, then our work is done freely
why to spend time , efforts along with sadhaks, why to write books etc
just think and its done..
So God and Saint cannot do this. We will have to do this.
we have been sitting thinking Guru or God will do this for us for 100, thousands of years
We will have to leave this foolishness and we will have to do it our self
Jiva will have to do it. Jiva will have to walk upwards. not downwards.
So this prem pipasa , we will have to increase
so we have 1 mind and there are 2 things
God and World
Nectar and Poision
we can take only 1 .
and we cannot stay without adapting 1 of them.
since we have eternal natural thirst to satisfy ourselves
so going in right direction, get the right thing
Remember 1 thing about this human body always
Next moment we may get to live or not.
Don't think what is my age as of now.
can you see from eyes , people are dying at all ages any time.
Think for yourself as well
this is the biggest surprise that we don't think about our own death
hence don't procrastinate the devotion. Do it now.
prahlad says do bhakti in childhood itself. who knows whether we will get youth?
Think again and again these 3 points
Think again and again about world and get vairaga
Only with constant continuous efforts will it happen.
if you don't do , you will roam around in 84 lac species
jiva is independent in doing karma BUT he is not independent in its results.
he will have to bear all consequence.
-----------------end --------
Govind Radhe
Prem pipasa teeno lakysha dilade
To achieve our God-Realization Goal, three things are essential
1. Human Body (due to kripa of God , one gets this)
2. Knowledge of Goal and way to achieve ( due to kripa of Guru one understand this)
Think what you did that you got human body
Think what you did that you understood the goal. how many scripture you read yourself?
3. Prem Pipasa ( longing for God is the responsibility of individual)
This pipasa depends on the knowledge that this world is not ours.
"This wife,parents,friends,society,money are not for soul.They are for the body."
This knowledge should remain stable 100% all the time.
Think of death when you will go alone. Think in solitude when you will go alone
no one will be with you. only your karma will go and you will get result of your karma
how will we feel that time.
you will have to practise constantly and 1 day it will become stable knowledge.
Then prem pipasa will arise.Right vairga will arise.
The stronger prem pyas ( thirst) the closer we are towards our goal.
This is your responsibility only
God did his work by grace giving you human body and giving you guru
Guru did his work by giving you knowledge of goal which you wont have understood even in millions of years .. in few mins he explained you
Now its your turn
Bhakti karna/ sadhana karna/ man ko lagana.
Neither God nor Guru can do this for you
If God could have done this, then there would not have been this universe.
See God has 1 power called satya sankalp. ie he just have to think and its done.
he doesn't have to do.. it just will happen by his thinking alone.
he will have to just think.
shristi ho ja.. hogayi
praleya ho ja.. hogaya
raksha ho ja..
sarira ho ja..
nirakar ho ja..
this quality is also with saints. 100%
but neither God nor saint have been able to do what?
that all souls get promoted to golok by sankalp
if some saint does this sankalp, then our work is done freely
why to spend time , efforts along with sadhaks, why to write books etc
just think and its done..
So God and Saint cannot do this. We will have to do this.
we have been sitting thinking Guru or God will do this for us for 100, thousands of years
We will have to leave this foolishness and we will have to do it our self
Jiva will have to do it. Jiva will have to walk upwards. not downwards.
So this prem pipasa , we will have to increase
so we have 1 mind and there are 2 things
God and World
Nectar and Poision
we can take only 1 .
and we cannot stay without adapting 1 of them.
since we have eternal natural thirst to satisfy ourselves
so going in right direction, get the right thing
Remember 1 thing about this human body always
Next moment we may get to live or not.
Don't think what is my age as of now.
can you see from eyes , people are dying at all ages any time.
Think for yourself as well
this is the biggest surprise that we don't think about our own death
hence don't procrastinate the devotion. Do it now.
prahlad says do bhakti in childhood itself. who knows whether we will get youth?
Think again and again these 3 points
Think again and again about world and get vairaga
Only with constant continuous efforts will it happen.
if you don't do , you will roam around in 84 lac species
jiva is independent in doing karma BUT he is not independent in its results.
he will have to bear all consequence.
-----------------end --------
I am not able to do sadhana?
I don't get tears in the eyes
I get bored after some hours of bhajans/kirtan
I am lazy in doing sadhana
I am careless in doing sadhana
Tell me what should i do?
Ans: Remember in love there is no effort. You don't have love for God. That's why its becoming an effort for you and you have to "do" sadhana. you have to put "efforts" in doing roopdhyan.
OK I don't have love . you are correct. so what?
So just cry out to God, God give me love so that i can remember you without efforts. Ask and you shall get it.
But i try to cry and still i don't get those emotions. I do ask God to give me love. What to do?
If you cannot cry and that means you lack affinity towards God. So start with including God (your gopala or your thakur or your lala or whatever name you like in daily activities)
How do include him in daily activities?( Madhurya bhao will not be explained here)
1. How to include him while taking bath? ( Dasya bhao)
A. look after bath you will do aarti of him. this body belongs to him and its his property. So in service to him, we serve his property properly this body. Keep it clean and good.
B. Ask him to take bath quickly while you prepare breakfast ( Vatsalya bhao)
2. How to include him when i cook food ( lunch/dinner)? ( Vatsalya bhao )
See he is watching you as you cook. he is eagerly waiting for the food . he like a small child is even banging his thali on ground making noise and saying you give me food ma.. i am so hungry . i cannot wait. i want nice tasty food. ma please add some tasty masala as well.. like this u can include him
3. How to include him while traveling to office? ( Sakha bhao)
Dress him formally. make him wear suit and tie and shoes and what not. Best dress attire that can exist , make him wear. He is your office colleague and working with you and right now see ,he is in the cube just behind you.
See he is looking at you always and not working. scold him if needed so that he does some work and allow you to work as well. check occasionally if he is working or still looking at you and if you see him looking at you.. scold him or complain to Kishoriji(Radhaji). She will take care of him.
At lunch time, you and he can eat together. So call him and then open your lunch and have it together
Also you can go out for sometime along with him in lunch time.
You can ask him any problems you face during work. If he is not busy with his work, he will help you . but don't expect his help . He has lots of natak if you start giving him bhao ( importance).
Finally before going home, check if he is coming with you and wants to sit little longer. I would suggest you come along with him to home. you will have some company till home.
This way you include him
4. how to include him while cooking for dinner?
explained earlier
5. How to include him at sleep time? ( vatsalaya bhao)
tell thakur. u sleep now.both of us have to go to office tommorow morning. we will talk in morning now. if you want we can talk in dreams .. but pls sleep now. he likes to listen to story of RadhaKrishna. So to make your thakur sleep, tell him a few leelas from bhagavatam.
ok i understood how to include him .
Good. Now include him and after some time, once you have developed affinity with him 24 hrs , you can then start including yourself in his leelas directly which are described in bhagavatam.
Also remember the fact always.
Tell me what fact?
You will be dead after some time. No one will come to save you except Guru/Thakura. Whatever is yours , will be taken away from you. So you will be alone. Get used to this fact now. Think over it all the time. This job, this spouse, this child, this parents, this world, this body.. , this satsangi ( yes a satsangi is just another person who has just understood something about God in similar way like you that's it. nothing much. he is just a wave and will dissolve like others unless he realizes God and becomes a saint ).
am i all alone?
you are not alone. There is Thakura and Guru with you and ofcouse your karma sanskars are walking behind you like snakes. SO the fight at death has your biggest enemy as karma sanskars ( most of them are bad) and your only weapon against them is spiritual sanskars/your thakur/Guru. So ask thakur.. where will we go after i die.. Lets go where ever you like thakur we stayed all this life together now lets stay together where ever you like ..
Saturday, November 10, 2007
ColorFull Description of Krishna
Sunday, November 4, 2007
How to recognize a real saint
1. A real saint mind being always engrossed in God (radhakrishna) keeps emitting love vibrations all the time. So anyone can associate with such a saint and experience the love vibration. How long to associate depends on the reception ability of the person. The more dirt is in his mind, the more time he needs to associate to recognize the love vibrations consciously.
2. The dinve love vibrations sometimes crosses the inside and gets expressed on outside body. These are called astha sattavic bhav. One may get to see this in a real saint somemtimes.
3. When one receives the love vibrations, he will start crying automatically with tears in his eyes. That way you can know that you have received love vibrations
2. The dinve love vibrations sometimes crosses the inside and gets expressed on outside body. These are called astha sattavic bhav. One may get to see this in a real saint somemtimes.
3. When one receives the love vibrations, he will start crying automatically with tears in his eyes. That way you can know that you have received love vibrations
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