Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Bhakti versus ( all other known paths)

All paths have 1 goal . To realize infinite.

Man is made up of body and soul.
It is obvious that as one goes towards that infinite, changes occur at body and soul level.The change is simulatenous and must happen ,if at all ,it happens in either sphere of body or soul

All paths focus indirecty or directly on body level changes which leads to soul level changes
for eg. Controlling breath leads to control of mind which leads to awareness of self which leads to atma gyan

Bhakti focus directly on soul level. Infact it focus on soul of soul level whereby changes at soul level and at body level are natural consequences
This makes Bhakti the most natural way of progression.

The essence of Body is soul
The essence of soul is formless super soul (Bhram/Parmatma)
The essence of formless super soul is formful super soul ( Bhagvan)
The essence of formful super soul is pure divine love (hlandini Shakti)
So we ,being part of this essence of essence, a drop of this , excites , alerts us at all levels
Hence devotion of this pure divine love is the most natural way.

I am not elaborating as my blog is a substitute of my personal notes meant for my understanding and reference.I am not supposed to publish to the world as i am not qualified to write on this topics for other consumption.

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